• 中西医并重治疗慢性难愈合创面十年回顾
  • A Ten-year Review of the Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Treatment in Chronic Refractory Wounds
  • 高 欣,孙业祥.中西医并重治疗慢性难愈合创面十年回顾[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2022,(5):310~313.
    中文关键词:  慢性难愈合创面  中西医结合  创面修复  治疗  学科建设
    英文关键词:Chronic refractory wounds  Integration of Chinese and Western medicine  Wound repair  Treatment  Discipline development
    高 欣 230022 安徽 合肥, 安徽医科大学第一附属医院烧伤科 
    摘要点击次数: 1656
    全文下载次数: 4672
          【摘要】 随着我国人口老龄化的不断加剧, 慢性难愈合创面的发病率显著增加,其病因逐渐由“创伤型”转变为 “疾病型”,并面临创面迁延不愈、治疗难度大与治疗费用高昂等诸多挑战。近十年来, 在党和政府的支持与帮助下,我国创面修复学科迅速发展,慢性难愈合创面治疗理念和技术不断更新,临床治疗水平逐步提高。本文对近十年我国中西医并重治疗慢性难愈合创面的发展历程进行简要回顾与总结,旨在为慢性难愈合创面的防治提供参考。
          【Abstract】 China’s ageing population has been increasing. As a result, the incidence of chronic refractory wounds is elevating, and more and more of such wounds are attributed to disease, instead of trauma, which has brought many new challenges such as delayed wound healing, great difficulty in performing treatments and high treatment cost. In the past decade, with the support and help of the Communist Party and Central Government, the discipline of wound repair in China has witnessed fast development. There have been many breakthroughs in terms of treatment concepts and technologies for chronic refractory wounds, upgrading therapeutic effects of such wounds. In this paper, we briefly reviewed the development course of integrating traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in the treatment of chronic refractory wounds in the past ten years, with the aim of providing reference for prevention and treatment of chronic refractory wounds.