杨 萍,王怡丹.血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP 对烧伤早期感染的预测价值分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2023,35(1):34~37. |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 烧伤 可溶性髓样细胞触发受体-1 降钙素原 超敏 C 反应蛋白 感染 预测价值 |
英文关键词:Burns Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 Procalcitonin Hypersensitive C-reactive protein Infection Predictive value |
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中文摘要: |
【摘要】 目的 探讨血清可溶性髓样细胞触发受体-1 (sTREM-1)、降钙素原 (PCT)、超敏 C 反应蛋白(hs-CRP) 对烧伤患者早期感染的预测价值。方法 选取 2019 年 10 月至 2021 年 4 月南阳市第一人民医院收治的82 例烧伤患者作为研究对象, 收集患者性别、年龄、体重指数、烧伤深度、烧伤面积、合并糖尿病情况以及血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP 水平和有无感染等资料, 根据入院后 2 周是否发生感染分为感染组和未感染组, 对比观察两组患者血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP 水平, 采用受试者工作特征曲线 (ROC) 分析血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP水平对烧伤早期感染的预测价值? 结果 入院后 2 周, 82 例烧伤患者中 47 例 (57. 32%) 发生感染, 设为感染组; 35 例 (42. 68%) 未发生感染, 设为未感染组。入院后 1 周, 感染组患者血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP水平均明显高于未感染组 (t =4. 753、4. 967、4. 423, P 均 <0. 001); ROC 分析结果显示, 血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP 联合检测预测烧伤早期感染的曲线下面积 (AUC) 为 0. 913、特异度为 93%、敏感度为 84%。结论 血清 sTREM-1、PCT、hs-CRP 联合检测预测烧伤患者早期感染的价值较高。 |
英文摘要: |
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the predictive value of serum soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), procalcitonin (PCT), and hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) to early infection of burn patients. Methods 82 patients with burns admitted to Nanyang First People’s Hospital from October 2019 to April 2021 were enrolled as research subjects to collect such data as sex, age, body mass index, depth of burns, burned area, complicated with diabetes or not, levels of serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP and the presence or absence of infection. Based on whether infection occurred 2 weeks after admission, the subjects were divided into infection group and non-infection group. The serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP levels of patients were compared between the two groups, and the value of serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP levels in predicting early infection of burn patients was analyzed by using the receiver
operating characteristic curve (ROC). Results At week 2 after admission, 47 (57. 32%) of the 82 burn patients devel-oped infection, which was set as infection group, while the other 35 (42. 68%) patients without developing infection were set as non-infection group. At week 1 after admission, the levels of serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP were all significantly higher in infection group compared with non-infection group (t =4. 753, 4. 967 and 4. 423, all P <0. 001); ROC analysisshowed that the area under the curve (AUC) of serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP combined to predict early burn infection was 0. 913, with the specificity being 93% and the sensitivity being 84%. Conclusion The combined detection of serum sTREM-1, PCT and hs-CRP presents much high value of predicting early infection in burn patients. |