• 乌司他丁对纤维化相关信号通路及细胞因子的作用研究进展
  • Research Progress on the Effects of Ulinastatin on Fibrosis-related Signaling Pathways and Cytokines
  • 沈 阳,黄志群.乌司他丁对纤维化相关信号通路及细胞因子的作用研究进展[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2023,(4):325~329.
    中文关键词:  乌司他丁  纤维化  信号通路  细胞因子  研究进展  综述
    英文关键词:Ulinastatin  Fibrosis  Signaling pathway  Cytokine  Research progress  Review
    沈 阳 550005 贵州 贵阳, 贵阳钢厂职工医院 (贵阳烧伤医院) 创面修复科 
    黄志群 533000 广西 百色, 右江民族医学院附属医院烧伤整形与创面修复外科 
    摘要点击次数: 1669
    全文下载次数: 4800
          【摘要】 纤维化是在慢性炎症反应过程中由肌成纤维细胞大量活化并过度产生细胞外基质 (ECM) 沉积引起组织器官正常功能丧失的一种病理过程, 其发生发展与多个信号通路及多种细胞因子密切相关。近年来有研究指出, 乌司他丁 (UTI) 在多种组织器官纤维化疾病中通过调控相关信号通路、抑制相关细胞因子分泌而发挥抗纤维化作用。基于此, 本研究笔者从纤维化相关信号通路以及细胞因子角度阐述了 UTI 对组织器官纤维化的影响, 以期为临床治疗纤维化疾病提供新的思路。
          【Abstract】 Fibrosis is a pathological process in which myofibroblasts are massively activated and produce too much extracellular matrix (ECM) during chronic inflammatory response, resulting in the loss of normal organ functions, and its occurrence and development are closely related to multiple signaling pathways and various cytokines. In recent years, studies have shown that Ulinastatin (UTI) exerts anti?fibrotic effects in various tissue and organ fibrosis diseases by regulating related signaling pathways and inhibiting the secretion of related cytokines. Based on this, this study expounded the influence of UTI on tissue and organ fibrosis from the perspective of fibrosis-related signaling pathways and cytokines, with the aim of providing new insights for the clinical treatment of fibrotic diseases.