• 托里消毒散治疗慢性创面的作用机制及应用研究进展
  • Mechanism of Action and Research Progress on the Application of TuoliXiaodu Powder in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds
  • 贺 璇,李杰辉,李恒嫦,梁 彬.托里消毒散治疗慢性创面的作用机制及应用研究进展[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2024,(1):5~7.
    中文关键词:  托里消毒散  慢性创面  溃疡  痈疽  综述
    英文关键词:Tuoli Xiaodu Powder  Chronic wounds  Ulcers  Gangrene  Review
    基金项目:广西中医药大学研究生教育创新计划项目 (YCXJ2021079)
    贺 璇 530001 广西 南宁, 广西中医药大学第一附属医院创面修复周围血管科 
    梁 彬  
    摘要点击次数: 1519
    全文下载次数: 3983
          【摘要】 慢性创面是临床常见的难愈性疾病, 多发生于糖尿病溃疡、 外伤、 静脉曲张性溃疡、 压疮等急慢性损伤患者。 中医学认为, 慢性创面迁延不愈多为气血凝滞, 难以托毒外出, 使邪毒久积于肌肤所致。 而托里消毒散可托毒外出, 养血生络, 助疮疽消散, 在慢性创面的治疗中发挥了独特的优势。 基于此, 本文主要对托里消毒散在慢性创面治疗中的作用机制及应用研究进展进行综述, 以期进一步指导其在临床中的应用。
          【Abstract】 Chronic wounds, commonly seen in clinical practice as hard-to-heal disease, mostly take place in patients with acute injuries such as diabetic ulcer, trauma, varicose ulcer, and pressure ulcer. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, protracted healing of chronic wounds is often caused by the long-term accumulation of toxic substances in the skin due to the stagnation of qi and blood resulting in failed discharge of these substances. Tuoli Xiaodu Powder, as a traditional Chinese medicine formula, has the functions of carrying toxic substances out of the body, nourishing blood to remove meridian obstruction, and facilitating the resolution of ulcers and gangrene, exerting its unique strengths in the treatment of chronic wounds. Based on this, this article made a review on the mechanism of action and research progress on the application of Tuoli Xiaodu Powder in the treatment of chronic wounds, with the aim of providing reference for its clinical application.