• 多技术联合治愈小儿特重度烧伤1例报告
  • A Case Report of Pediatric Extremely Severe Burns Cured by Multi-technique Interventions
  • 张盼盼,王秀春,魏 岩,张 素,张志华,潘 腾.多技术联合治愈小儿特重度烧伤1例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2024,(1):17~19.
    中文关键词:  异种皮移植  Meek微型皮片移植  湿润烧伤膏  特重度烧伤  中药浸浴
    英文关键词:Xenogeneic skin grafting  Meek microskin grafting  MEBO  Extremely severe burns  TCM immersion bath
    张盼盼 272100 山东 济宁, 济宁市第一人民医院烧伤整形科 
    魏 岩  
    张 素  
    潘 腾  
    摘要点击次数: 1194
    全文下载次数: 3462
          【摘要】 给予 2020 年 10 月 13 日济宁市第一人民医院收治的 1 例特重度烧伤患儿在对症支持治疗的基础上,局部创面予以湿润烧伤膏外敷? 异种皮移植? Meek 微型皮片移植以及中药浸浴等多技术联合治疗,治疗73 d时创面完全愈合; 愈后皮肤应用疤痕软膏超声离子导入联合弹力绷带加压包扎预防瘢痕增生,应用 60 d 后患儿出院; 出院后 3 个月随访,愈后皮肤可见浅表性瘢痕。
          【Abstract】 One child patient with extremely severe burns was admitted into Jining First People’s Hospital on October 13, 2020 for treatment. Supportive treatments were given to target the patient’s symptoms, and the local wounds were managed with multi-technique interventions, like external application of MEBO, xenogeneic skin grafting, Meek microskin grafting, and TCM immersion bath. On day 73 of treatment, the wounds were healed completely. Subsequently, Scar Ointment was delivered into the healed skin using ultrasound iontophoresis and elastic bandages were compressed to prevent hypertrophic scarring, and the child patient was discharged from hospital after the other 60 days of treatment. During the three-month follow-up after discharge, only superficial hypertrophic scars were visible on the healed skin.