• 多技术联合治愈化疗致大疱性表皮松解型药疹1例报告
  • A Case Report of Chemotherapy-induced Epidermolysis Bullosa Drug Eruption Cured by Multi-technique Interventions
  • 赵永红,高健翔,倪 甜.多技术联合治愈化疗致大疱性表皮松解型药疹1例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2024,(2):161~164.
    中文关键词:  大疱性表皮松解型药疹  湿润烧伤膏  创疡再生医疗技术  重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子凝胶  化疗  免疫治疗
    英文关键词:Epidermolysis bullosa drug eruption  MEBO  The regenerative medical technology for wounds and ulcers  Recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor gel  Chemotherapy  Immunotherapy
    赵永红 402560 重庆, 重庆市铜梁区中医院外一科 
    倪 甜  
    摘要点击次数: 969
    全文下载次数: 2796
          【摘要】 给予2022年4月重庆市铜梁区中医院收治的1例直肠癌术后复发行保守化疗联合免疫治疗致大疱性表皮松解型药疹患者在地塞米松及人免疫球蛋白抗过敏、盐酸莫西沙星氯化钠抗感染等对症支持治疗的基础上, 会阴及阴囊创面均匀涂抹夫西地酸乳膏并覆盖湿润烧伤膏药纱治疗, 其余皮肤破溃创面均匀涂抹湿润烧伤膏与重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子凝胶混合剂治疗、未破损创面均匀涂抹湿润烧伤膏治疗,并于创面有新生表皮生长后, 均改为单纯应用湿润烧伤膏治疗。治疗12 d,患者明显好转出院,于家中自行应用湿润烧伤膏换药治疗14 d后,创面完全愈合。
          【Abstract】 One patient with epidermolysis bullosa drug eruption induced by the conservative chemotherapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of the relapse rectal cancer was admitted into Chongqing Tongliang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in April 2022 for treatment. On the basis of symptomatic and supportive treatments such as Dexamethasone and Human Immunoglobulin for allergy relief, Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride and Sodium Chloride for infection control, the wounds at the perineum and scrotum were managed with Fusidic Acid Cream followed by the covering of MEBO-impregnated gauze, the mixed cream of MEBO and the recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor gel was evenly applied onto the ulcerated skin wound, and the other non-ulcerated wounds were simply managed with the application of MEBO. When there was new epidermis growing on the wounds, the treatment was changed to apply MEBO alone. On day 12 of treatment, the condition of the patient improved a lot, and he was discharged from the hospital to manage the dressing change of MEBO at home. After another 14 days of treatment at home, the wounds healed completely.