• 石墨烯纳米复合材料在创面治疗中的作用机制及其应用研究进展
  • Mechanism of Action and Research Progress on the Application of Graphene Nano-composite in the Wound Treatment
  • 高利平,王海涛,陈宁杰.石墨烯纳米复合材料在创面治疗中的作用机制及其应用研究进展[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2024,(3):173~178.
    中文关键词:  石墨烯  石墨烯衍生物  纳米复合材料  创面  综述
    英文关键词:Graphene  Graphene derivative  Nano-composite  Wound  Review
    基金项目:山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目 (202104030779)
    高利平 264100 山东 烟台, 滨州医学院第二临床医学院 2021 级整形外科专业 
    王海涛 264200 山东 威海, 山东大学附属威海市立医院烧伤整形科 
    陈宁杰 264200 山东 威海, 山东大学附属威海市立医院烧伤整形科 
    摘要点击次数: 1094
    全文下载次数: 2827
          【摘要】 近年来, 石墨烯及其衍生物通过与多糖 (壳聚糖、 海藻酸盐和纤维素等) 和天然蛋白质 (胶原蛋白、 明胶和蚕丝蛋白等) 相结合制备成的纳米纤维膜、 薄膜和水凝胶等石墨烯纳米复合材料因具有石墨烯及其衍生物巨大的比表面积、 良好的机械性能、 极高的光电转化效率和抗菌性能以及聚合物的可降解性、 生物相容性和生物安全性等, 且能够作为载物平台, 负载抗菌剂、 生物活性剂及干细胞等, 被逐渐应用于创面的治疗, 并取得了较好的临床疗效。 本文主要对石墨烯纳米复合材料中石墨烯及其衍生物在创面治疗中的作用机制以及石墨烯纳米复合材料在创面治疗中的应用研究进展进行综述, 以期为石墨烯纳米复合材料在创面修复中的进一步应用提供新的思路。
          【Abstract】 In recent years, graphene and its derivatives, combined with polysaccharides ( such as chitosan, alginate, and cellulose) and natural proteins ( such as collagen, gelatin, and silk fibroin), have been made into various graphene nano-composites including nanofiber membranes, thin films, and hydrogels, etc. These graphene nano-composites have gradually been applied in the wound treatment, given the prominent advantages of vast specific surface area, excellent mechanical properties, extremely high photoelectric conversion efficiency, and good antimicrobial capacity of graphene and its derivatives, along with the excellent degradability, biocompatibility, and biosafety of the polymers, playing the role of carrier platform for antimicrobial agents, bioactive agents, and stem cells, and significant clinical efficacy has been achieved. This article mainly reviewed the mechanism of action of graphene and its derivatives in wound healing and the research progress on the application of graphene nano-composites in wound treatment, aiming to provide new insights for thefurther application of graphene nano-composites in the wound repair.